I am Mercedes Crump, a Licensed Esthetician and the owner of The Guest House. I am currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration degree with a specialization in Organizational Management. My dedication lies in providing client-centered care and empowering women to reclaim confidence in their skin and a passion for education. Leveraging a decade of experience in education across diverse roles, I have developed a mentorship program tailored for aspiring and established beauty-based business owners. This program is designed to address the unique business needs of each mentee, offering guidance in formulating, evaluating, and executing a robust business strategy.
Payment plans are available Sessions are arranged on an individual basis with each mentee Enrollment in the workshop requires a non-refundable deposit of $100. The remaining balance is due at check-in before the start of class.
The customized mentorship program caters to both current and aspiring beauty-based business owners who are in need of guidance during the establishment, maintenance, or enhancement of their business.